View Full Version : Giao tiếp giữa Ethernet và Pic

11-04-2009, 11:18 AM
Mình đang làm giao tiếp về Ethernet và Pic, mình dùng MikroC để program cho Pic 16F877A, thông qua con ENC28J60. Nhưng mình chưa hiểu rõ việc kết nối giữa Pic và WebServer diễn ra như thế nào. Giả sử trong chương trình gửi một Byte lên từ PortD, vậy làm sao để Web biết được để hiển thị ra ngoài. Đây là Code của nó.
Em dùng Code này download xuống Pic nhưng khi truy cập vào địa chỉ đã assign cho Pic thì không thấy kết quả gì xảy ra.Mong các bạn giúp đỡ!!!! Cảm ơn các bạn nhiều.

* Project Name:
Spi_EthernetDemo (Ethernet Library demo for ENC28J60 mcu)
* Target Platform:
* Copyright:
(c) mikroElektronika, 2006.
* Revision History:
- Initial release. Author: Bruno Gavand.
* V1.0 : first release
* V1.1 : bad MIME type for / path request, changed to HTML instead of SCRIPT (thanks Srdjan !)
* description :
* this code shows how to use the Spi_Ethernet mini library :
* the board will reply to ARP & ICMP echo requests
* the board will reply to UDP requests on any port :
* returns the request in upper char with a header made of remote host IP & port number
* the board will reply to HTTP requests on port 80, GET method with pathnames :
* / will return the HTML main page
* /s will return board status as text string
* /t0 ... /t7 will toggle RC0 to RC7 bit and return HTML main page
* all other requests return also HTML main page
* target devices :
* any PIC with integrated SPI and more than 4 Kb ROM memory
* 32 to 40 MHz clock is recommended to get from 8 to 10 Mhz SPI clock,
* otherwise PIC should be clocked by ENC clock output due to ENC silicon bug in SPI hardware
* if you try lower PIC clock speed, don't be surprised if the board hang or miss some requests !
* tested with PIC16F877A@10Mhz, PIC18F452@40Mhz on EasyPIC3 board
* EP settings :
* RA2 & RA3 pots jumper : closed
* PORTB : pull-down
* PORTC : pull-down
* BUTTONS : pull-up
* RC0 : !RESET to ENC reset input pin
* RC1 : !CS to ENC chip select input pin
* the ENC28J60 SPI bus CLK, SO, SI must be connected to the corresponding SPI pins of the PIC
* the INT and WOL signals from the ENC are not used
* Test configuration:
MCU: PIC18F452/PIC16F877A
Dev.Board: EasyPIC4
Oscillator: HS/PLL4, 10.000MHz
Ext. Modules: mE Serial Ethernet board
SW: mikroC v7.0
Make sure that you use right compiler version with this project
Renamed functions of Spi ethernet library from (v6.0)ENC28j60... to (v6.2)Spi_Ethernet...


#define Spi_Ethernet_HALFDUPLEX 0
#define Spi_Ethernet_FULLDUPLEX 1

/************************************************** **********
* ROM constant strings
const unsigned char httpHeader[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-type: " ; // HTTP header
const unsigned char httpMimeTypeHTML[] = "text/html\n\n" ; // HTML MIME type
const unsigned char httpMimeTypeScript[] = "text/plain\n\n" ; // TEXT MIME type
unsigned char httpMethod[] = "GET /";
* web page, splited into 2 parts :
* when coming short of ROM, fragmented data is handled more efficiently by linker
* this HTML page calls the boards to get its status, and builds itself with javascript
const char *indexPage = // Change the IP address of the page to be refreshed
"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;url=\">\
<h1>PIC + ENC28J60 Mini Web Server</h1>\
<a href=/>Reload</a>\
<script src=/s></script>\
<table><tr><td valign=top><table border=1 style=\"font-size:20px ;font-family: terminal ;\">\
<tr><th colspan=2>ADC</th></tr>\
</table></td><td><table border=1 style=\"font-size:20px ;font-family: terminal ;\">\
<tr><th colspan=2>PORTB</th></tr>\
var str,i;\
{str+=\"<tr><td bgcolor=pink>BUTTON #\"+i+\"</td>\";\
if(PORTB&(1<<i)){str+=\"<td bgcolor=red>ON\";}\
else {str+=\"<td bgcolor=#cccccc>OFF\";}\
document.write(str) ;\
" ;

const char *indexPage2 = "</table></td><td>\
<table border=1 style=\"font-size:20px ;font-family: terminal ;\">\
<tr><th colspan=3>PORTD</th></tr>\
var str,i;\
{str+=\"<tr><td bgcolor=yellow>LED #\"+i+\"</td>\";\
if(PORTD&(1<<i)){str+=\"<td bgcolor=red>ON\";}\
else {str+=\"<td bgcolor=#cccccc>OFF\";}\
str+=\"</td><td><a href=/t\"+i+\">Toggle</a></td></tr>\";}\
document.write(str) ;\
This is HTTP request #<script>document.write(REQ)</script></BODY></HTML>\
" ;

* RAM variables
unsigned char myMacAddr[6] = {0x00, 0x14, 0xA5, 0x76, 0x19, 0x3f} ; // my MAC address
unsigned char myIpAddr[4] = {192, 168, 20, 60} ; // my IP address
unsigned char getRequest[15] ; // HTTP request buffer
unsigned char dyna[31] ; // buffer for dynamic response
unsigned long httpCounter = 0 ; // counter of HTTP requests

* functions

* put the constant string pointed to by s to the ENC transmit buffer
unsigned int putConstString(const char *s)
unsigned int ctr = 0 ;

Spi_Ethernet_putByte(*s++) ;
ctr++ ;
return(ctr) ;

* put the string pointed to by s to the ENC transmit buffer
unsigned int putString(char *s)
unsigned int ctr = 0 ;

Spi_Ethernet_putByte(*s++) ;
ctr++ ;
return(ctr) ;

* this function is called by the library
* the user accesses to the HTTP request by successive calls to Spi_Ethernet_getByte()
* the user puts data in the transmit buffer by successive calls to Spi_Ethernet_putByte()
* the function must return the length in bytes of the HTTP reply, or 0 if nothing to transmit
* if you don't need to reply to HTTP requests,
* just define this function with a return(0) as single statement
unsigned int Spi_Ethernet_UserTCP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, unsigned int localPort, unsigned int reqLength)
unsigned int len = 0 ; // my reply length
unsigned int i ; // general purpose integer

if(localPort != 80) // I listen only to web request on port 80
return(0) ;

// get 10 first bytes only of the request, the rest does not matter here
for(i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
getRequest[i] = Spi_Ethernet_getByte() ;
getRequest[i] = 0 ;

if(memcmp(getRequest, httpMethod, 5)) // only GET method is supported here
return(0) ;

httpCounter++ ; // one more request done

if(getRequest[5] == 's') // if request path name starts with s, store dynamic data in transmit buffer
// the text string replied by this request can be interpreted as javascript statements
// by browsers

len = putConstString(httpHeader) ; // HTTP header
len += putConstString(httpMimeTypeScript) ; // with text MIME type

// add AN2 value to reply
intToStr(ADC_Read(2), dyna) ;
len += putConstString("var AN2=") ;
len += putString(dyna) ;
len += putConstString(";") ;

// add AN3 value to reply
intToStr(ADC_Read(3), dyna) ;
len += putConstString("var AN3=") ;
len += putString(dyna) ;
len += putConstString(";") ;

// add PORTB value (buttons) to reply
len += putConstString("var PORTB=") ;
intToStr(PORTB, dyna) ;
len += putString(dyna) ;
len += putConstString(";") ;

// add PORTD value (LEDs) to reply
len += putConstString("var PORTD=") ;
intToStr(PORTD, dyna) ;
len += putString(dyna) ;
len += putConstString(";") ;

// add HTTP requests counter to reply
intToStr(httpCounter, dyna) ;
len += putConstString("var REQ=") ;
len += putString(dyna) ;
len += putConstString(";") ;
else if(getRequest[5] == 't') // if request path name starts with t, toggle PORTD (LED) bit number that comes after
unsigned char bitMask = 0 ; // for bit mask

if(isdigit(getRequest[6])) // if 0 <= bit number <= 9, bits 8 & 9 does not exist but does not matter
bitMask = getRequest[6] - '0' ; // convert ASCII to integer
bitMask = 1 << bitMask ; // create bit mask
PORTD ^= bitMask ; // toggle PORTD with xor operator

if(len == 0) // what do to by default
len = putConstString(httpHeader) ; // HTTP header
len += putConstString(httpMimeTypeHTML) ; // with HTML MIME type
len += putConstString(indexPage) ; // HTML page first part
len += putConstString(indexPage2) ; // HTML page second part

return(len) ; // return to the library with the number of bytes to transmit

* this function is called by the library
* the user accesses to the UDP request by successive calls to Spi_Ethernet_getByte()
* the user puts data in the transmit buffer by successive calls to Spi_Ethernet_putByte()
* the function must return the length in bytes of the UDP reply, or 0 if nothing to transmit
* if you don't need to reply to UDP requests,
* just define this function with a return(0) as single statement
unsigned int Spi_Ethernet_UserUDP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, unsigned int destPort, unsigned int reqLength)
unsigned int len ; // my reply length
unsigned char *ptr ; // pointer to the dynamic buffer

// reply is made of the remote host IP address in human readable format
byteToStr(remoteHost[0], dyna) ; // first IP address byte
dyna[3] = '.' ;
byteToStr(remoteHost[1], dyna + 4) ; // second
dyna[7] = '.' ;
byteToStr(remoteHost[2], dyna + 8) ; // third
dyna[11] = '.' ;
byteToStr(remoteHost[3], dyna + 12) ; // fourth

dyna[15] = ':' ; // add separator

// then remote host port number
intToStr(remotePort, dyna + 16) ;
dyna[22] = '[' ;
intToStr(destPort, dyna + 23) ;
dyna[29] = ']' ;
dyna[30] = 0 ;

// the total length of the request is the length of the dynamic string plus the text of the request
len = 30 + reqLength ;

// puts the dynamic string into the transmit buffer
ptr = dyna ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte(*ptr++) ;

// then puts the request string converted into upper char into the transmit buffer
Spi_Ethernet_putByte(toupper(Spi_Ethernet_getByte( ))) ;

return(len) ; // back to the library with the length of the UDP reply

* main entry
void main()
ADCON1 = 0x00 ; // ADC convertors will be used

PORTA = 0 ;
TRISA = 0xff ; // set PORTA as input for ADC

PORTB = 0 ;
TRISB = 0xff ; // set PORTB as input for buttons

PORTD = 0 ;
TRISD = 0 ; // set PORTD as output

* starts ENC28J60 with :
* reset bit on RC0
* CS bit on RC1
* my MAC & IP address
* full duplex
Spi_Ethernet_Init(&PORTD, 1, &PORTD, 0, myMacAddr, myIpAddr, Spi_Ethernet_FULLDUPLEX) ;

while(1) // do forever
Spi_Ethernet_doPacket() ; // process incoming Ethernet packets

* add your stuff here if needed
* Spi_Ethernet_doPacket() must be called as often as possible
* otherwise packets could be lost

03-04-2011, 09:52 PM
Ban phai cho ca nguon luon
minh moi biet ma chia sua chu
Lần sau đồng chí nhớ gõ tiếng việt nhé
edit phamminhtuan

29-01-2012, 10:25 PM
mình nạp mã vào chương trình mikroC v6.2 biên dịch chương trình báo lỗi demo limit
nhưng khi xóa lệnh spi_ethernet_dopacket(); thì không báo lỗi .
mình không biết làm thế nào để hàm spi_ethernet_dopacket(); không báo lỗi mong các bạn giải thích.

29-01-2012, 10:33 PM
mình nạp mã vào chương trình mikroC v6.2 biên dịch chương trình báo lỗi demo limit
nhưng khi xóa lệnh spi_ethernet_dopacket(); thì không báo lỗi .
mình không biết làm thế nào để hàm spi_ethernet_dopacket(); không báo lỗi mong các bạn giải thích.

MikroC bán bản quyền mà, bạn chỉ sử dụng 1 số hàm đơn giản thôi. Chịu khó tìm cái crack là xong thôi, cái crack cũng dễ tìm lắm chịu khó bỏ chút thời gian là tìm được thôi.

29-01-2012, 10:45 PM

* file : ethdemo.c
* author : Bruno Gavand
* compiler : mikroC V6.2
* date : october 27, 2006
* description :
* This program shows how to use undocumented mikroC Spi Ethernet functions
* This example is an UDP push server :
* Start Ethernet services with ARP and PING reply
* Listen to the UDP port 33000 for an incoming request :
* 'b' will start the push
* 'e' will stop the stop
* any other incoming char has no effect
* If push is enabled :
* send to the remote UDP host a string with PORTB value one time per second
* target device :
* Tested with PIC18F452 and PIC18F4620 @ 32 Mhz (8 Mhz crystal + HS PLL)
* Licence :
* Feel free to use this source code at your own risks.
* history :
october 30, 2006 : ARP cache management, little bug fixed. Thanks Philippe !
* see more details on http://www.micro-examples.com/

#define NULL 0

#define Spi_Ethernet_FULLDUPLEX 1

#define REPLY_START (TRANSMIT_START + 1) // reply buffer starts after per packet control byte

// some ENC28J60 registers, see datasheet
#define ERDPTL 0x00
#define ERDPTH 0x01
#define ECON1 0x1f
#define EDMACSL 0x16
#define EDMACSH 0x17

* RAM variables
unsigned char macAddr[6] = {0x00, 0x14, 0xA5, 0x76, 0x19, 0x3f} ; // my MAC address

unsigned char ipAddr[4] = {192, 168, 1, 101} ; // my IP address

unsigned char destIpAddr[4] ; // IP address

unsigned char transmit = 0 ;
unsigned char tmr = 0 ;
unsigned long longTmr = 0 ;
unsigned int destPortNum = 0 ;
char udpStr[16] = "PORTB=" ;

unsigned char valid ;
unsigned long tmr ;
unsigned char ip[4] ;
unsigned char mac[6] ;
} arpCache[ARPCACHELEN] ;

* functions

* ARP resolution
* this function returns the MAC address of an IP address
* an ARP cache is used
unsigned char *arpResolv(unsigned char *ip)
unsigned char i ; // general purpose register
unsigned int rdptr ; // backup of ENC read pointer register
unsigned char freeSlot ; // index of free slot in ARP cache
unsigned long tmrSlot ; // oldest slot timer in ARP cache

tmrSlot = 0xffffffff ; // will try to find less than this !

// step in ARP cache
for(i = 0 ; i < ARPCACHELEN; i++)
// oldest slots must expire
if(arpCache[i].tmr < longTmr - 1000) // too old ?
arpCache[i].tmr = 0 ; // clear timer
arpCache[i].valid = 0 ; // disable slot

// is it the address I want in a valid slot ?
if(arpCache[i].valid && (memcmp(arpCache[i].ip, ip, 4) == 0))
return(arpCache[i].mac) ; // yes, return ready to use MAC addr

// find older slot, will be needed further
if(arpCache[i].tmr < tmrSlot)
tmrSlot = arpCache[i].tmr ; // save best timer
freeSlot = i ; // save best index

// select ENC register bank 0
Spi_Ethernet_clearBitReg(ECON1, 0b00000001) ;
Spi_Ethernet_clearBitReg(ECON1, 0b00000010) ;

* first, build eth header
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START, "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", 6) ; // destination is broadcast
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 6, macAddr, 6) ; // source : my mac addr
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 12, 8, 6, 1) ; // protocol is ARP

* second, build ARP packet

* 0, 1 : hardware type = ethernet
* 8, 0 : protocole type = ip
* 6, 4 : HW size = 6, protocol size = 4
* 0, 1 : ARP opcode = request
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 14, "\x0\x01\x08\x00\x06\x04\x00\x01", 8) ;

Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 22, macAddr, 6) ; // mac addr source
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 28, ipAddr, 4) ; // ip addr source
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 32, "\0\0\0\0\0\0", 6) ; // mac addr destination : broadcast addr
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 38, ip, 4) ; // who has this ip addr ?

/************************************************** *****************
* third, send packet over wires, ARP request packet is 42 bytes len
Spi_Ethernet_txPacket(42) ;

tmr = 0 ;
while(tmr < 45) // allows around 3 seconds for reply
Spi_Ethernet_doPacket() ; // do not stop eth services !

// select ENC register bank 0, may have been changed by library
Spi_Ethernet_clearBitReg(ECON1, 0b00000001) ;
Spi_Ethernet_clearBitReg(ECON1, 0b00000010) ;

* ERDPT[H|L] registers are used by library :
* always save them before doing anything else !
rdptr = (Spi_Ethernet_readReg(ERDPTH) << 8) + Spi_Ethernet_readReg(ERDPTL) ;

* check if packet is ARP reply to my request (last byte = 2 means ARP reply)
if((Spi_Ethernet_memcmp(REPLY_START + 12, "\x08\x06\x00\x01\x08\x00\x06\x04\x00\x02", 10) == 0)
&& (Spi_Ethernet_memcmp(REPLY_START, macAddr, 6) == 0) // is it my MAC addr ?
&& (Spi_Ethernet_memcmp(REPLY_START + 28, ip, 4) == 0) // is it my IP addr ?
* save remote MAC addr in a free slot of the cache

// copy MAC addr
arpCache[freeSlot].mac[0] = Spi_Ethernet_readMem(REPLY_START + 22) ;
arpCache[freeSlot].mac[1] = Spi_Ethernet_readMem(REPLY_START + 23) ;
arpCache[freeSlot].mac[2] = Spi_Ethernet_readMem(REPLY_START + 24) ;
arpCache[freeSlot].mac[3] = Spi_Ethernet_readMem(REPLY_START + 25) ;
arpCache[freeSlot].mac[4] = Spi_Ethernet_readMem(REPLY_START + 26) ;
arpCache[freeSlot].mac[5] = Spi_Ethernet_readMem(REPLY_START + 27) ;

// copy IP addr
memcpy(arpCache[freeSlot].ip, ip, 4) ;

// enable slot
arpCache[freeSlot].valid = 1 ;

// timestamp
arpCache[freeSlot].tmr = longTmr ;

// restore ERDPT before exiting
Spi_Ethernet_writeAddr(ERDPTL, rdptr) ;

// return the MAC addr pointer
return(arpCache[freeSlot].mac) ;

// restore ERDPT before doing a new call to the library
Spi_Ethernet_writeAddr(ERDPTL, rdptr) ;

// failed, no response : MAC addr is null
return((unsigned char *)NULL) ;

* send an UDP packet :
* destIp : remote host IP address
* sourcePort : local UDP source port number
* destPort : destination UDP port number
* pkt : pointer to packet to transmit
* pktLen : length in bytes of packet to transmit
void sendUDP(unsigned char *destIP, unsigned int sourcePort, unsigned int destPort, unsigned char *pkt, unsigned int pktLen)
unsigned char *destMac ; // destination MAC addr
static int idUniq ; // uniq packet id (serial number)
unsigned char align ; // alignement flag
unsigned int totlen ; // total packet length
unsigned int rdptr ; // ENC read pointer backup

// is destination port valid ?
if(destPort == 0)
return ; // no, do nothing

// does destination IP address exist ?
if((destMac = arpResolv(destIP)) == NULL)
return ; // no MAC addr matches, do nothing

// select ENC register bank 0
Spi_Ethernet_clearBitReg(ECON1, 0b00000001) ;
Spi_Ethernet_clearBitReg(ECON1, 0b00000010) ;

* ERDPT[H|L] registers are used by library :
* always save them before doing anything else !
rdptr = (Spi_Ethernet_readReg(ERDPTH) << 8) + Spi_Ethernet_readReg(ERDPTL) ;

* first, build eth header
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START, destMAC, 6) ; // destination
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 6, macAddr, 6) ; // source
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 12, 8, 0, 1) ; // IP type

* second, build IP header
totlen = 20 + 8 + pktLen ;
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 14, 0x45, 0, 1) ; // IPV4, IHL = 20 bytes, TOS = 0
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 16, totlen >> 8, totlen, 1) ; // total packet length
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 18, (char *)&(idUniq++), 2) ; // identification
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 20, 0, 0, 1) ; // flags + 0, fragment offset = 0, TTL = 128, protocol = UDP
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 22, 0x80, 0x11, 1) ; // flags + 0, fragment offset = 0, TTL = 128, protocol = UDP
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 24, 0, 0, 1) ; // clear IP checksum
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 26, ipAddr, 4) ; // source
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 30, destIP, 4) ; // destination

* third, build UDP header
totlen = pktLen + 8 ;
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 34, sourcePort >> 8, sourcePort, 1) ; // source port
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 36, destPort >> 8, destPort, 1) ; // destination port
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 38, totlen >> 8, totlen, 1) ; // packet length
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 40, 0, 0, 1) ; // clear UDP checksum

Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 42, pkt, pktLen) ; // payload

* fourth, IP checksum
Spi_Ethernet_checksum(REPLY_START + 14, 20) ;
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 24, Spi_Ethernet_readReg(EDMACSH), Spi_Ethernet_readReg(EDMACSL), 1) ;

* fifth, UDP checksum
// pseudo header
// word alignement
align = totlen & 1 ;
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 42 + pktLen, 0, 0, 0) ; // clear

// build pseudo header
Spi_Ethernet_RAMcopy(REPLY_START + 26, REPLY_START + 26 + 8, REPLY_START + 42 + pktLen + align, 0) ;
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 42 + pktLen + align + 8, 0, 17, 1) ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte(totlen >> 8) ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte(totlen) ;

// ready for checksum
Spi_Ethernet_checksum(REPLY_START + 34, totlen + 12 + align) ;
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 40, Spi_Ethernet_readReg(EDMACSH), Spi_Ethernet_readReg(EDMACSL), 1) ;

* sixth, send packet over wires
Spi_Ethernet_txPacket(42 + pktLen) ;

// restore ERDPT registers before exiting
Spi_Ethernet_writeAddr(ERDPTL, rdptr) ;

* no TCP
unsigned int Spi_Ethernet_userTCP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, unsigned int localPort, unsigned int reqLength)
return(0) ;

* save remote UDP host and port number, then reply with 'Start'
unsigned int Spi_Ethernet_UserUDP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, unsigned int destPort, unsigned int reqLength)
if(destPort != 33000) return(0) ; // service is on port 33000

// begin command
case 'b':
case 'B':
transmit = 1 ; // set transmission flag
memcpy(destIPAddr, remoteHost, 4) ; // save remote host IP addr
destPortNum = remotePort ; // save remote host port number
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('B') ; // reply with 'Begin' string
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('e') ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('g') ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('i') ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('n') ;
return(5) ; // 5 bytes to transmit

// end command
case 'e':
case 'E':
transmit = 0 ; // clear transmission flag
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('E') ; // reply with 'End'
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('n') ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('d') ;
return(3) ; // 3 bytes to transmit

// error
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('?') ;
return(1) ;

* timers tmr and longTmr are incremented Fosc / 4 / 65536 / TMR1prescaler
* TMR1prescaler is 8 (see main)
* about 15.25 times per second with 32 Mhz clock
void interrupt()
if(PIR1.TMR1IF) // timer1 overflow ?
tmr++ ; // increment timers
longTmr++ ;
PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ; // clear timer1 overflow flag
* main entry
void main()
PORTB = 0 ;
TRISB = 0xff ; // set PORTB as input

PORTC = 0 ;
TRISC = 0b11011100 ; // set PORTC as input except for bits 0 (RESET) and 1 (CS)

T1CON = 0b10110101 ; // 16 bits, from other source, prescaler 1:8, oscillator disabled, not synchronized, internal clock, enabled
PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ; // clear TMR1 overflow interrupt flag
PIE1.TMR1IE = 1 ; // enable interrupt on TMR1 overflow
INTCON |= 0b11000000 ; // enable global & peripheral interrupts

// init ARP cache
memset(&arpCache, 0, sizeof(arpCache)) ;

* starts Spi_Ethernet with :
* reset bit on RC0,
* CS bit on RC1,
* my MAC & IP address,
* full duplex
Spi_Init() ;
Spi_Ethernet_Init(&PORTC, 0, &PORTC, 1, macAddr, ipAddr, Spi_Ethernet_FULLDUPLEX) ;

while(1) // do forever
Spi_Ethernet_doPacket() ; // process incoming Ethernet packets

if(transmit && (tmr > 15)) // transmit one UDP packet per second
ByteToStr(PORTB, udpStr + 6) ; // read PORTB value and convert to string
sendUDP(destIpAddr, 3456, destPortNum, udpStr, sizeof(udpStr)) ; // send to remote host
tmr = 0 ; // reset timer

29-01-2012, 10:48 PM

* file : ethdemo.c
* author : Bruno Gavand
* compiler : mikroC V6.2
* date : october 27, 2006
* description :
* This program shows how to use undocumented mikroC Spi Ethernet functions
* This example is an UDP push server :
* Start Ethernet services with ARP and PING reply
* Listen to the UDP port 33000 for an incoming request :
* 'b' will start the push
* 'e' will stop the stop
* any other incoming char has no effect
* If push is enabled :
* send to the remote UDP host a string with PORTB value one time per second
* target device :
* Tested with PIC18F452 and PIC18F4620 @ 32 Mhz (8 Mhz crystal + HS PLL)
* Licence :
* Feel free to use this source code at your own risks.
* history :
october 30, 2006 : ARP cache management, little bug fixed. Thanks Philippe !
* see more details on http://www.micro-examples.com/

#define NULL 0

#define Spi_Ethernet_FULLDUPLEX 1

#define REPLY_START (TRANSMIT_START + 1) // reply buffer starts after per packet control byte

// some ENC28J60 registers, see datasheet
#define ERDPTL 0x00
#define ERDPTH 0x01
#define ECON1 0x1f
#define EDMACSL 0x16
#define EDMACSH 0x17

* RAM variables
unsigned char macAddr[6] = {0x00, 0x14, 0xA5, 0x76, 0x19, 0x3f} ; // my MAC address

unsigned char ipAddr[4] = {192, 168, 1, 101} ; // my IP address

unsigned char destIpAddr[4] ; // IP address

unsigned char transmit = 0 ;
unsigned char tmr = 0 ;
unsigned long longTmr = 0 ;
unsigned int destPortNum = 0 ;
char udpStr[16] = "PORTB=" ;

unsigned char valid ;
unsigned long tmr ;
unsigned char ip[4] ;
unsigned char mac[6] ;
} arpCache[ARPCACHELEN] ;

* functions

* ARP resolution
* this function returns the MAC address of an IP address
* an ARP cache is used
unsigned char *arpResolv(unsigned char *ip)
unsigned char i ; // general purpose register
unsigned int rdptr ; // backup of ENC read pointer register
unsigned char freeSlot ; // index of free slot in ARP cache
unsigned long tmrSlot ; // oldest slot timer in ARP cache

tmrSlot = 0xffffffff ; // will try to find less than this !

// step in ARP cache
for(i = 0 ; i < ARPCACHELEN; i++)
// oldest slots must expire
if(arpCache[i].tmr < longTmr - 1000) // too old ?
arpCache[i].tmr = 0 ; // clear timer
arpCache[i].valid = 0 ; // disable slot

// is it the address I want in a valid slot ?
if(arpCache[i].valid && (memcmp(arpCache[i].ip, ip, 4) == 0))
return(arpCache[i].mac) ; // yes, return ready to use MAC addr

// find older slot, will be needed further
if(arpCache[i].tmr < tmrSlot)
tmrSlot = arpCache[i].tmr ; // save best timer
freeSlot = i ; // save best index

// select ENC register bank 0
Spi_Ethernet_clearBitReg(ECON1, 0b00000001) ;
Spi_Ethernet_clearBitReg(ECON1, 0b00000010) ;

* first, build eth header
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START, "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", 6) ; // destination is broadcast
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 6, macAddr, 6) ; // source : my mac addr
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 12, 8, 6, 1) ; // protocol is ARP

* second, build ARP packet

* 0, 1 : hardware type = ethernet
* 8, 0 : protocole type = ip
* 6, 4 : HW size = 6, protocol size = 4
* 0, 1 : ARP opcode = request
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 14, "\x0\x01\x08\x00\x06\x04\x00\x01", 8) ;

Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 22, macAddr, 6) ; // mac addr source
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 28, ipAddr, 4) ; // ip addr source
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 32, "\0\0\0\0\0\0", 6) ; // mac addr destination : broadcast addr
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 38, ip, 4) ; // who has this ip addr ?

/************************************************** *****************
* third, send packet over wires, ARP request packet is 42 bytes len
Spi_Ethernet_txPacket(42) ;

tmr = 0 ;
while(tmr < 45) // allows around 3 seconds for reply
Spi_Ethernet_doPacket() ; // do not stop eth services !

// select ENC register bank 0, may have been changed by library
Spi_Ethernet_clearBitReg(ECON1, 0b00000001) ;
Spi_Ethernet_clearBitReg(ECON1, 0b00000010) ;

* ERDPT[H|L] registers are used by library :
* always save them before doing anything else !
rdptr = (Spi_Ethernet_readReg(ERDPTH) << 8) + Spi_Ethernet_readReg(ERDPTL) ;

* check if packet is ARP reply to my request (last byte = 2 means ARP reply)
if((Spi_Ethernet_memcmp(REPLY_START + 12, "\x08\x06\x00\x01\x08\x00\x06\x04\x00\x02", 10) == 0)
&& (Spi_Ethernet_memcmp(REPLY_START, macAddr, 6) == 0) // is it my MAC addr ?
&& (Spi_Ethernet_memcmp(REPLY_START + 28, ip, 4) == 0) // is it my IP addr ?
* save remote MAC addr in a free slot of the cache

// copy MAC addr
arpCache[freeSlot].mac[0] = Spi_Ethernet_readMem(REPLY_START + 22) ;
arpCache[freeSlot].mac[1] = Spi_Ethernet_readMem(REPLY_START + 23) ;
arpCache[freeSlot].mac[2] = Spi_Ethernet_readMem(REPLY_START + 24) ;
arpCache[freeSlot].mac[3] = Spi_Ethernet_readMem(REPLY_START + 25) ;
arpCache[freeSlot].mac[4] = Spi_Ethernet_readMem(REPLY_START + 26) ;
arpCache[freeSlot].mac[5] = Spi_Ethernet_readMem(REPLY_START + 27) ;

// copy IP addr
memcpy(arpCache[freeSlot].ip, ip, 4) ;

// enable slot
arpCache[freeSlot].valid = 1 ;

// timestamp
arpCache[freeSlot].tmr = longTmr ;

// restore ERDPT before exiting
Spi_Ethernet_writeAddr(ERDPTL, rdptr) ;

// return the MAC addr pointer
return(arpCache[freeSlot].mac) ;

// restore ERDPT before doing a new call to the library
Spi_Ethernet_writeAddr(ERDPTL, rdptr) ;

// failed, no response : MAC addr is null
return((unsigned char *)NULL) ;

* send an UDP packet :
* destIp : remote host IP address
* sourcePort : local UDP source port number
* destPort : destination UDP port number
* pkt : pointer to packet to transmit
* pktLen : length in bytes of packet to transmit
void sendUDP(unsigned char *destIP, unsigned int sourcePort, unsigned int destPort, unsigned char *pkt, unsigned int pktLen)
unsigned char *destMac ; // destination MAC addr
static int idUniq ; // uniq packet id (serial number)
unsigned char align ; // alignement flag
unsigned int totlen ; // total packet length
unsigned int rdptr ; // ENC read pointer backup

// is destination port valid ?
if(destPort == 0)
return ; // no, do nothing

// does destination IP address exist ?
if((destMac = arpResolv(destIP)) == NULL)
return ; // no MAC addr matches, do nothing

// select ENC register bank 0
Spi_Ethernet_clearBitReg(ECON1, 0b00000001) ;
Spi_Ethernet_clearBitReg(ECON1, 0b00000010) ;

* ERDPT[H|L] registers are used by library :
* always save them before doing anything else !
rdptr = (Spi_Ethernet_readReg(ERDPTH) << 8) + Spi_Ethernet_readReg(ERDPTL) ;

* first, build eth header
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START, destMAC, 6) ; // destination
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 6, macAddr, 6) ; // source
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 12, 8, 0, 1) ; // IP type

* second, build IP header
totlen = 20 + 8 + pktLen ;
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 14, 0x45, 0, 1) ; // IPV4, IHL = 20 bytes, TOS = 0
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 16, totlen >> 8, totlen, 1) ; // total packet length
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 18, (char *)&(idUniq++), 2) ; // identification
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 20, 0, 0, 1) ; // flags + 0, fragment offset = 0, TTL = 128, protocol = UDP
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 22, 0x80, 0x11, 1) ; // flags + 0, fragment offset = 0, TTL = 128, protocol = UDP
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 24, 0, 0, 1) ; // clear IP checksum
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 26, ipAddr, 4) ; // source
Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 30, destIP, 4) ; // destination

* third, build UDP header
totlen = pktLen + 8 ;
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 34, sourcePort >> 8, sourcePort, 1) ; // source port
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 36, destPort >> 8, destPort, 1) ; // destination port
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 38, totlen >> 8, totlen, 1) ; // packet length
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 40, 0, 0, 1) ; // clear UDP checksum

Spi_Ethernet_memcpy(REPLY_START + 42, pkt, pktLen) ; // payload

* fourth, IP checksum
Spi_Ethernet_checksum(REPLY_START + 14, 20) ;
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 24, Spi_Ethernet_readReg(EDMACSH), Spi_Ethernet_readReg(EDMACSL), 1) ;

* fifth, UDP checksum
// pseudo header
// word alignement
align = totlen & 1 ;
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 42 + pktLen, 0, 0, 0) ; // clear

// build pseudo header
Spi_Ethernet_RAMcopy(REPLY_START + 26, REPLY_START + 26 + 8, REPLY_START + 42 + pktLen + align, 0) ;
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 42 + pktLen + align + 8, 0, 17, 1) ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte(totlen >> 8) ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte(totlen) ;

// ready for checksum
Spi_Ethernet_checksum(REPLY_START + 34, totlen + 12 + align) ;
Spi_Ethernet_writeMemory(REPLY_START + 40, Spi_Ethernet_readReg(EDMACSH), Spi_Ethernet_readReg(EDMACSL), 1) ;

* sixth, send packet over wires
Spi_Ethernet_txPacket(42 + pktLen) ;

// restore ERDPT registers before exiting
Spi_Ethernet_writeAddr(ERDPTL, rdptr) ;

* no TCP
unsigned int Spi_Ethernet_userTCP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, unsigned int localPort, unsigned int reqLength)
return(0) ;

* save remote UDP host and port number, then reply with 'Start'
unsigned int Spi_Ethernet_UserUDP(unsigned char *remoteHost, unsigned int remotePort, unsigned int destPort, unsigned int reqLength)
if(destPort != 33000) return(0) ; // service is on port 33000

// begin command
case 'b':
case 'B':
transmit = 1 ; // set transmission flag
memcpy(destIPAddr, remoteHost, 4) ; // save remote host IP addr
destPortNum = remotePort ; // save remote host port number
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('B') ; // reply with 'Begin' string
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('e') ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('g') ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('i') ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('n') ;
return(5) ; // 5 bytes to transmit

// end command
case 'e':
case 'E':
transmit = 0 ; // clear transmission flag
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('E') ; // reply with 'End'
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('n') ;
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('d') ;
return(3) ; // 3 bytes to transmit

// error
Spi_Ethernet_putByte('?') ;
return(1) ;

* timers tmr and longTmr are incremented Fosc / 4 / 65536 / TMR1prescaler
* TMR1prescaler is 8 (see main)
* about 15.25 times per second with 32 Mhz clock
void interrupt()
if(PIR1.TMR1IF) // timer1 overflow ?
tmr++ ; // increment timers
longTmr++ ;
PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ; // clear timer1 overflow flag
* main entry
void main()
PORTB = 0 ;
TRISB = 0xff ; // set PORTB as input

PORTC = 0 ;
TRISC = 0b11011100 ; // set PORTC as input except for bits 0 (RESET) and 1 (CS)

T1CON = 0b10110101 ; // 16 bits, from other source, prescaler 1:8, oscillator disabled, not synchronized, internal clock, enabled
PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ; // clear TMR1 overflow interrupt flag
PIE1.TMR1IE = 1 ; // enable interrupt on TMR1 overflow
INTCON |= 0b11000000 ; // enable global & peripheral interrupts

// init ARP cache
memset(&arpCache, 0, sizeof(arpCache)) ;

* starts Spi_Ethernet with :
* reset bit on RC0,
* CS bit on RC1,
* my MAC & IP address,
* full duplex
Spi_Init() ;
Spi_Ethernet_Init(&PORTC, 0, &PORTC, 1, macAddr, ipAddr, Spi_Ethernet_FULLDUPLEX) ;

while(1) // do forever
Spi_Ethernet_doPacket() ; // process incoming Ethernet packets

if(transmit && (tmr > 15)) // transmit one UDP packet per second
ByteToStr(PORTB, udpStr + 6) ; // read PORTB value and convert to string
sendUDP(destIpAddr, 3456, destPortNum, udpStr, sizeof(udpStr)) ; // send to remote host
tmr = 0 ; // reset timer

29-01-2012, 10:52 PM
mình đã crack rồi nhung hàm spi_ethernet_dopacket() ; vẫn không dùng được
xóa nó thì biên dịch vẫn được
bạn có thể chỉ giúp mình , được ko ,thank

30-01-2012, 08:15 PM
mình đã crack rồi nhung hàm spi_ethernet_dopacket() ; vẫn không dùng được
xóa nó thì biên dịch vẫn được
bạn có thể chỉ giúp mình , được ko ,thank

Bạn remove cái cũ đi rồi cài lại cái này nhé.