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briantk_1988 23-07-2006 08:16 AM

One wire in PIC16F84A
Hi everyone,

I'm just a new "apprentice" in this field. I'm contemporarily learning how to transfer data from one PIC16F84A to the other one, including how to receive the data, of course. I can read and understand MPAsm, Mikro Basic and CCS C quite well; so, if you know about this, you can help me in the aforementioned language. Thank you in advance.


namqn 23-07-2006 07:28 PM


Nguyên văn bởi briantk_1988
Hi everyone,

I'm just a new "apprentice" in this field. I'm contemporarily learning how to transfer data from one PIC16F84A to the other one, including how to receive the data, of course. I can read and understand MPAsm, Mikro Basic and CCS C quite well; so, if you know about this, you can help me in the aforementioned language. Thank you in advance.


Hi briantk,

There are many ways to do what you want, using different interface protocols and standards. Unfortunately, PIC16F84A doesn't give you much power to do a lot of stuff in implementing those protocols and standards.

So, could you be more specific on what you are trying to do?
What sort of data are you transferring?
How fast would you like your data to be transferred?
Have you got any idea about the interface protocol/standard?


briantk_1988 23-07-2006 08:56 PM

Thanks a lot for replying me.

I'm trying to make a simple calculator. As far as I am concerned, an LCD display requires 6 pins from the microcontroler, a simplest keypad needs 8 more pins --> we need at least 14 IO pins which is impossible for an PIC16F84A. Unfortunately, since I haven't a clue about microcontroler before, I just though everything was the same which made me I got the PIC16F84A. Now, I'm thinking that I might use one PIC6F84A for the keypad and then use one wire interface to transmiss the information to the other one which will manipulate the data and then display in the LCD. I did read the onewire example in MikroBasic but it's not satifiable, for the example is just for getting data from a themometer (DS1820). Furthermore, I think that I don't need a very high speed to do this task. Also, I'm just a novice, I have a very humble idea about interface protocol/standard. So, if anyone have any idea about what i gotta do, I'm very grateful to know.

Thanks in advance

BêBop 29-07-2006 10:05 AM

Chảo Briantk,
I agree with namqn, that the 'f84 is not the best choice. It is old, and has no USART, etc. etc. Next time try a 16F628A, or a 16F88. You can free up some pins by using a 2 wire LCD interface, though. Take a look at this site for the hardware:

He gives examples in assembly, and somewhere I have source in ccs C to run it. I will try and find my source if you wish to go this route. I'm quite busy these days as I will move back to Canada in 3 weeks, but I'll watch this forum to see if you are interested.


briantk_1988 30-07-2006 12:46 AM

Thanks so much. It must be the best that you can provide me with the source in CCS C. I hope you can post it soon



BêBop 30-07-2006 12:49 PM

I hope this works, but if you have any questions, I'll keep watching here...
first the driver

//// Library for a 2 wire LCD interface using an 74hc174                ////
////                                                                        ////
////                                                                        ////

#ifndef LCD_clk
#define LCD_data        PIN_B2
#define LCD_clk                PIN_B1

void LCDInit(void)        {                //  Initialize the LCD I/O Pins

        Dlay = RTC +20;
        while (Dlay != RTC);

        LCDNybble(0x003, 0);  // send init command
        Dlay = RTC + 6;                        // wait > 5 mSec for
        while (Dlay != RTC);        // LCD to accept cmd

        LCDNybble(0x003, 0);  // send init command
        Dlay = RTC + 1;                        // wait > 160 uSec for
        while (Dlay != RTC);        // LCD to accept cmd

        LCDNybble(0x003, 0);  // send init command
        Dlay = RTC + 1;                        // wait > 160 uSec for
        while (Dlay != RTC);        // LCD to accept cmd

        LCDNybble(0x002, 0);  // send init command        0000 0010
        Dlay = RTC + 6;                        // wait > 5 msec for
        while (Dlay != RTC);        // LCD to accept cmd

        LCDByte(0x028, 0);                // step 6, set operating        0010 1000

        LCDByte(0x008, 0);                // step 7, display off                0000 1000

        LCDByte(0x001, 0);                // step 8, clear display        0000 0001

        LCDByte(0x006, 0);                // step 9, shift                0000 0110

        LCDByte(0x00E, 0);                // step 10, display on                0000 1110

}  //  End LCDInit

void LCDNybble(char Nybble, char RS) {                //  Send Nybble to LCD

        int i; // removed unsigned from before int

        output_low(PIN_B2);        //Data = 0; // Clear the '174
        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {                // Repeat for six bits
                //Clock = 1; Clock = 0;        // Write the "0"s into the '174
                }  //  endfor

        //Data = 1;                                // Output the "AND" Value
        //Clock = 1; Clock = 0;
//        Data = RS;                                // Output the RS Bit Value
        if (RS>0)output_high(PIN_B2);
                else output_low(PIN_B2);
        //Clock = 1; Clock = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {                // Output the Nybble
                if ((Nybble & 0x008) != 0)
                //        Data = 1;                // Output the High Order Bit
                        //Data = 0;
                //Clock = 1; Clock = 0;                // Strobe the Clock

                Nybble = Nybble << 1;                // Shift up Nybble for Next Byte
                }  //  endfor

//        Data = 1; Data = 0;                        // Toggle the "E" Clock Bit
}  //  End LCDNybble

void LCDByte(char myByte, char RS) {        //  Send Byte to LCD       
        int LBDlay;

        LCDNybble((myByte >> 4) & 0x00F, RS);        //  Send High Nybble

        LCDNybble(myByte & 0x00F, RS);                //  Send Low Nybble

        if ((myByte < 4) && (RS == 0))  // type of instruction
                LBDlay = RTC + 6;
                LBDlay = RTC + 2;

        while (LBDlay != RTC); // command to complete wait
}  //  End LCDByte

void send_c(char myByte) {                        //  Send Byte to LCD       
        int LBDlay;
        char RS = 1;

        LCDNybble((myByte >> 4) & 0x00F, RS);        //  Send High Nybble

        LCDNybble(myByte & 0x00F, RS);                //  Send Low Nybble

        if ((myByte < 4) && (RS == 0))          // type of instruction
                LBDlay = RTC + 6;
                LBDlay = RTC + 2;

        while (LBDlay != RTC);                        // command to complete wait
}  //  End send_c

void SecondLine(void) {
        LCDByte(0xC0, 0);
        } // end SecondLine

void Home(void) {
        LCDByte(0x02, 0);
        } // end Home

void ClearLCD(void) {
        LCDByte(0x01, 0);
        } // end ClearLCD

then a test program

#if defined(__PCM__)
#include <16F84A.h>
#use delay(clock=4000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_B6, rcv=PIN_B7)

#include "LCDHG.C"
#include <STDIO.h>
#include <string.h>

#define CDCLK Pin_B1

//#define LCDDAT Pin_B2

void main() {
        int x, y, c;
        x = 0x01;
        y = 0x01;
        c = 0x55;
//        char *c;// = "H";
//        char string[20];

        lcd_gotoxy(x, y);


        while(1) {
        } // end while

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