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Tìm Kiếm: Posts Made By: khaledkhal
Chuyên mục: English forum on PICs 04-03-2007, 12:23 AM
Trả lời: 5
Lần đọc: 9,444
Người gửi khaledkhal
Thanks alot "falleaf" for answering my question,...

Thanks alot "falleaf" for answering my question,
But I have another question,

Is that possible to write the sponsour company on the robot!?

Thanks once again!
Chuyên mục: English forum on PICs 03-03-2007, 06:09 PM
Trả lời: 5
Lần đọc: 9,444
Người gửi khaledkhal
Can you have a sponsour in Robocon!?

Hello to you all,
I live in the Gulf coast and we are going to make a robocon team. Since we are students in the Engineering Universities. I have a question though

Is that possible to have a...
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