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Old 17-10-2012, 09:55 PM   #1
Đệ tử 2 túi
Tham gia ngày: Sep 2010
Bài gửi: 32
[Help] Dịch code Mikro C sang CCS

Mình đang làm đồ án về đo khoảng cách dùng srf05, mình tìm trên mạng thấy người ta hướng dẫn làm nhưng code thì viết bằng mikroC. Mình thì chỉ biết CCS thôi. Mình nhờ mọi người giúp giùm mình chuyển code Mikro C sang ccs giùm mình. Mình đang rất cần nên cảm ơn mọi người nhiều.

* file : sonar.c
* project : Simple UltraSonic Range Finder
* author : Bruno Gavand
* compiler : mikroC V6.2
* date : september 30, 2006
* description :
* This is a basic ultrasonic range finder, from 30 to 200 centimeters
* target device :
* PIC16F877A with 8 Mhz crystal
* or any PIC with at least one ADC and PWM channel
* configuration bits :
* HS clock
* no watchdog
* no power up timer
* no brown out
* LVP disabled
* data EE protect disabled
* ICD disabled
* see more details and schematic on

* ultra sonic pulse length in microseconds
#define PULSELEN 300

* circular buffer size for samples averaging
#define BUFSIZE 10

* EasyPic2, EasyPic3 : PORTB
* EaspyPic4 : PORTD

unsigned char outOfRange ; // out of range flag : set when no echo is detected

unsigned int buf[BUFSIZE] ; // samples buffer
unsigned char idx = 0 ; // index of current sample in buffer

* This ISR handles TIMER1 overflow only
void interrupt(void)
if(PIR1.TMR1IF) // timer1 overflow ?
outOfRange = 1 ; // set out of range flag
PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ; // clear interrupt flag

void main()
ADCON1 = 0 ; // enables ADC

TRISA = 0xff ; // PORTA as inputs
PORTA = 0 ;

TRISC = 0 ; // PORTC as outputs
PORTC = 0 ;

// TIMER1 settings
T1CON = 0b00001100 ; // prescaler 1:1, osc. enabled, not sync, internal clk, stopped

#ifdef LCDPORT
// init LCD
Lcd_Init(&LCDPORT) ; // use EP2/3/4 settings
Lcd_Cmd(Lcd_CLEAR) ; // clear display
Lcd_Cmd(Lcd_CURSOR_OFF) ; // cursor off

Lcd_Out(1, 1, "UltraSonicRanger") ;
Lcd_Out(2, 5, "cm") ;

// init PWM Channel : 40 Khz, 50% duty cycle
PWM1_Init(40000) ;
PWM1_Change_Duty(128) ;

INTCON.GIE = 1 ; // enable global interrupts
INTCON.PEIE = 1 ; // enable peripheral interrupts
PIE1.TMR1IE = 0 ; // disable timer 1 interrupt
PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ; // clear timer 1 interrupt flag

// forever
unsigned char i ; // general purpose byte
unsigned long cm ; // distance in centimeters
unsigned char str[4] ; // string for range display

// prepare timer
T1CON.TMR1ON = 0 ; // stop timer
outOfRange = 0 ; // reset out of range flag
TMR1H = 0 ; // clear timer1
TMR1L = 0 ;

T1CON.TMR1ON = 1 ; // start timer 1
PIE1.TMR1IE = 1 ; // enable timer 1 interrupts on overflow

// send pulse
PWM1_Start() ; // enable PWM output : transducer is pulsed at ultrasonic frequency
Delay_us(PULSELEN) ; // during PULSELEN microseconds
PWM1_Stop() ; // stop PWM

Delay_us(PULSELEN * 2) ; // do nothing for twice the pulse length duration to prevent false start

while(Adc_Read(1) < 1) // while no pulse detected (no signal on ADC channel 1)
if(outOfRange) break ; // to late, out of range

T1CON.TMR1ON = 0 ; // stop timer 1
PIE1.TMR1IE = 0 ; // disable timer 1 interrupts on overflow

#ifdef LCDPORT
if(outOfRange) // is overrange condtion detected ?
Lcd_Out(2, 8, "OverRange") ; // display overrange message
else if(TMR1H < ((PULSELEN * 6 * Clock_kHz()) / (1000 * 4 * 256))) // is underrange condition detected ?
Lcd_Out(2, 8, "UnderRnge") ; // display underrange message
else // good reading
buf[idx] = TMR1H ; // build a 16 bit value from timer1
buf[idx] <<= 8 ; // MSB
buf[idx] += TMR1L ; // LSB

// circular buffer
idx++ ; // next location
if(idx == BUFSIZE) // the end is reached ?
idx = 0 ; // back to start

cm = 0 ; // prepare centimeter averaging
for(i = 0 ; i < BUFSIZE ; i++) // for all samples in buffer
cm += buf[i] ; // add to sum
cm /= BUFSIZE ; // average samples

* cm contains now the number of clock cycles
* from the start of the ultrasonic transmission
* to the first echo detection
* the duration in second is s = cm / (Clock_Khz() * 1000 / 4)
* if we admit that sound speed in the air is 340 m/s
* the distance in centimeters (forth and back) is d = s * 340 * 100 / 2
* or d = 340 * 100 / 2 * cm / Clock_khz() / 1000 * 4
* d = 34 * 2 / Clock_Khz()
cm *= 34 * 2 ; // now converts to centimeters
cm /= Clock_Khz() ;

ByteToStr(cm, str) ; // convert to string
Lcd_Out(2, 1, str) ; // print string
Lcd_Out(2, 8, " ") ; // clear error message

Delay_ms(10) ; // 10 milliseconds delay before next sample
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