Ðề tài: Động cơ RC Servo
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Old 23-01-2011, 09:19 PM   #48
Nhập môn đệ tử
Tham gia ngày: Oct 2010
Bài gửi: 7
đây là code cho 1 servo:

#include "16F84.H"
#define CP_off |= 0x3FFF // copy protect off for 16F84
#pragma config CP_off, PWRTE=on, WDTE=off, FOSC=XT

/* assign names to ports and pins */
#pragma bit SERVO @ PORTB.1
#pragma bit RESET_S @ PORTA.0
#pragma bit TURN_C @ PORTA.1
#pragma bit TURN_A @ PORTA.2

/* function prototypes */
void delay_min (void);
void delay_var (char n);
void pause (void);

void main( void)
PORTB = 0b.0000.0000; /* initial value */
TRISB = 0b.0000.0000; /* Port B all o/p */
PORTA = 0b.0.0111; /* initial value */
TRISA = 0b.1110.0111; /* xxx0 0001 */

char position=107; // total time 1.5ms center position

while(1) // endless loop
if (position>0)
pause(); // 20 ms delay before next pulse
if ((TURN_C==0)&&(position<255))
if ((TURN_A==0)&&(position>0))
if (RESET_S==0)
position=107; // center the servo

} // end of main

void delay_min (void) // 750 uS including overhead
char n=248;
do ; while(--n>0);
nop(); // padding to produce precise time
// delay = 2 + 2 + (n x 3) -1 +1 +2 = 750us @ 4MHz
// 2 for call, 2 for preset n, (n x 3)-1 for loop, 1 padding, 2 for return

void delay_var (char n) // adc x 7 uS = 1790us max.
do {nop(); nop(); nop(); nop();} while(--n>0);
// delay= 2 + 2 + (t x 7) -1 +2 us @ 4MHz

void pause (void) // delay between pulses approx 20 ms
char n;
for (n=0;n<26;n++)
delay_min(); // 750 us
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