Ðề tài: Động cơ RC Servo
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Old 23-01-2011, 09:21 PM   #49
Nhập môn đệ tử
Tham gia ngày: Oct 2010
Bài gửi: 7
còn đây là code cho 4 servo. bạn nào quan tâm chúng ta cùng mổ xẻ nhé:

#include "16C711.H" // Change for your CPU
#include "int16CXX.h"

#pragma config WDTE=off, FOSC=XT, BODEN=on
#pragma config |= 0x3FB0 // Code protect off

char servo_pin; // Variable for port pins
char servo[4]; // Servo position values
char servo_num; // Pointer to current servo position value
char position; // Working servo position value
char window; // 2ms - position value
char boogies; // Interrupt counter
char loops; // Loop counter
char current; // same as servo_num, but outside of interrupt
bit direction; // direction of travel flag

#pragma origin 4

// With .1ms resolution, we can control the servo in 10% steps:
// 10 = 0 degrees (or 100% backward motion) 1.0ms
// 11 = 18 degrees (or 80% backward motion) 1.1ms
// 12 = 36 degrees (or 60% backward motion) 1.2ms
// 13 = 54 degrees (or 40% backward motion) 1.3ms
// 14 = 72 degrees (or 20% backward motion) 1.4ms
// 15 = 90 degrees (or stopped) 1.5ms
// 16 = 108 degrees (or 20% forward motion) 1.6ms
// 17 = 126 degrees (or 40% forward motion) 1.7ms
// 18 = 144 degrees (or 60% forward motion) 1.8ms
// 19 = 162 degrees (or 80% forward motion) 1.9ms
// 20 = 180 degrees (or 100% forward motion) 2.0ms
// So our pulse routine needs to run 1ms + x tenths.
// Next version will (maybe) use hundredths, from 100 to 200.

interrupt scan_servos() {
PORTA = 2; // indicate where we are
T0IF = 0; // Clear TMR0 interrupt flag
int_save_registers // Save status & W reg
char fsr; fsr = FSR; // Save FSR
OPTION = 8; // No TMR0 prescaler
servo_pin = 1; // Set up for first servo
for(servo_num = 0; servo_num <=3; servo_num++) {
position = servo[servo_num]; // get pulse width value
window = 30 - position; // Figure out remainder of 2ms window
PORTB = servo_pin; // Turn on servo pin
TMR0 = 0; // Clear TMR0
do {
TMR0 = 11; // Adjust for execution time
while ( TMR0 < 100 ); // wait 100 uS
} while( --position > 0 ); // for as many as we need
PORTB = 0; // Turn off all servo pins
// Now we have to burn up the remainder of the 2ms total pulse
// window...
if(window > 0) {
do {
TMR0 = 11; // Adjust for execution time
while ( TMR0 < 100 ); // wait 100 uS
} while(--window > 0); // for as many as we need
// And set us up for the next servo in line...
servo_pin = servo_pin*2; // Set up for next servo in line

// Now we set up for an 8ms delay until the ext interrupt.
// We just spent 8ms pulsing the servos, so in another 12 we
// need to do it again.
int_restore_registers // Retrieve the registers
FSR = fsr; // Restore FSR
OPTION = 5; // 256 prescaler for TMR0
TMR0 = 187; // Set up for 12ms interrupt
boogies++; // Increment boogie counter
PORTA = 0;

void main(){
T0CS = 0; // T0 on instruction cycle
T0SE = 1; // rising edge
clearRAM(); // start with clear RAM
PORTA = 0;
PORTB = 0; // All outputs off
TRISA = 0;
TRISB = 0; // Port B is all output
OPTION = 5; // Prescaler set to 256
direction = 0;

// Set all servo position registers to the 90 degree mid point.
for(current = 0; current < 4; current++) {
servo[current] = 15;
TMR0 = 131; // Set up timer for 8ms
T0IE = 1; // Enable TMR0 interrupt
GIE = 1; // Duh.

// The boogie counter gets updated every 20ms, so 50 boogies
// equals one second. Tip of the hat to bogomips.

// First wait 2 seconds to let us see how the servos do at deadband
while(boogies < 100); // Loop for 2 seconds

// Now do 60 loops of 10% steps once a second, full motion
// range from 10 to 20 and back. Should take 1 minute.
direction = 1;
loops = 0;
PORTA = 1;
do {
boogies = 0; // clear boogie counter
while( boogies < 10 ); // Wait 1/5 second
for(current=0; current < 4; current++) {
if(servo[current] == 25) direction = 0;
if(servo[current] == 5) direction = 1;
if(direction == 0) servo[current]--;
if(direction == 1) servo[current]++;
} while(++loops < 60);

// Now recenter the servos for 2 seconds
for(current=0; current < 4; current++) {
servo[current] = 15;
boogies = 0;
while(boogies < 100);

// Now we finish up with 10 full-travel swings, 10 to 20,
// with a 2-second delay in between.

loops = 0;
PORTA = 0xD;
do {
boogies = 0;
while(boogies < 100); // 2 second delay
for(current=0; current < 4; current++) {
if(servo[current] == 25) direction = 0;
else if(servo[current] == 5) direction = 1;
else if(servo[current] > 5 && servo[current] < 25) direction = 0;
if(direction == 0) servo[current] = 5;
if(direction == 1) servo[current] = 25;
} while(++loops < 10);

// And loop forever.
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