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dsPIC - Bộ điều khiển tín hiệu số 16-bit Theo dự kiến của Microchip, vào khoảng năm 2011 dsPIC sẽ có doanh số lớn hơn PIC

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Old 01-06-2012, 10:00 AM   #1
Nhập môn đệ tử
Tham gia ngày: Dec 2008
Bài gửi: 8
Help ghi đọc flash atmel at45db041d

Em đang viết chương trình ghi đọc flash atmel at45db041d với pic24fj256gb110 trên CCS.
Em đã sử dụng cả 2 cách setup SPI cho pic24 trên CCS. Một sử dụng hàm có sẵn trên CCS và một cách sử dụng việc thiết lập tham số trực tiếp vào thanh ghi. Em dùng hàm đọc trạng thái status register thì chỉ nhận đc một giá trị là AC. Em soi trên osilo thì ko thấy xung clock trên chân CLK. đây là code của em và schematic. Các bác xem và giúp em với.

//ATD45DB041 driver

//// init_ext_flash() ////
//// Initializes the pins that control the flash device. This must ////
//// be called before any other flash function is used. ////
//// ////
//// ************************************************** **************** ////
//// void ext_flash_startContinuousRead(p, i) ////
//// Initiate a continuous read starting with page p at index i ////
//// ////
//// BYTE ext_flash_getByte() ////
//// Gets a byte of data from the flash device ////
//// Use after calling ext_flash_startContinuousRead() ////
//// ////
//// void ext_flash_getBytes(a, n) ////
//// Read n bytes and store in array a ////
//// Use after calling ext_flash_startContinuousRead() ////
//// ////
//// void ext_flash_stopContinuousRead() ////
//// Use to stop continuously reading data from the flash device ////
//// ************************************************** **************** ////
//// ////
//// void ext_flash_readPage(p, i, a, n) ////
//// Read n bytes from page p at index i and store in array a ////
//// ////
//// void ext_flash_readBuffer(b, i, a, n) ////
//// Read n bytes from buffer b at index i and store in array a ////
//// ////
//// BYTE ext_flash_readStatus() ____ ////
//// Return the status of the flash device: Rdy/Busy Comp 0101XX ////
//// ////
//// void ext_flash_writeToBuffer(b, i, a, n) ////
//// Write n bytes from array a to buffer b at index i ////
//// ////
//// void ext_flash_BufferToPage(b, p, mode) ////
//// Copy buffer b to page p ////
//// The 2 modes: ////
//// - Use ERASE to use built in erase first functionality ////
//// - Use NO_ERASE to write to a previously erased page ////
//// ////
//// void ext_flash_erasePage(p) ////
//// Erase all bytes in page p to 0xFF ////
//// ////
//// void ext_flash_eraseBlock(b) ////
//// Erase all bytes in block b to 0xFF. A block is 8 pages. ////
//// ////
//// void ext_flash_writePageThroughBuffer(p, b, i, a, n) ////
//// Write n bytes from array a to page p at index i through ////
//// buffer b ////
//// ////
//// void ext_flash_PageToBuffer(p, b) ////
//// Copy the data from page p to buffer b ////
//// ////
//// int1 ext_flash_comparePageToBuffer(p, b) ////
//// Compare the data in page p to buffer b ////
//// Returns 1 if equivalent or 0 if not equivalent ////
//// ////
//// void ext_flash_rewritePage(p, b) ////
//// Rewrite the data in page p using buffer b ////
//// ////
//// void ext_flash_waitUntilReady() ////
//// Waits until the flash device is ready to accept commands ////
//// ////
//// The main program may define FLASH_SELECT, FLASH_CLOCK, ////
//// FLASH_DI, and FLASH_DO to override the defaults below. ////
//// ////
//// Pin Layout ////
//// --------------------------------------------------- ////
//// | | ////
//// | 1: SI FLASH_DI | 8: SO FLASH_DO | ////
//// | | | ////
//// | 2: SCK FLASH_CLOCK | 7: GND GND | ////
//// | _____ | | ////
//// | 3: RESET +2.7V - +3.6V | 6: VCC +2.7V - +3.6V | ////
//// | __ | __ | ////
//// | 4: CS FLASH_SELECT | 5: WP +2.7V - +3.6V | ////
//// --------------------------------------------------- ////

#define FLASH_DI PIN_D9
#define FLASH_DO PIN_D10

#define FLASH_SIZE 524288 // The size of the flash device in bytes

// Used in ext_flash_BufferToPage()
#define ERASE 1 // The flash device will initiate an erase before writing
#define NO_ERASE 0 // The flash device will not initiate an erase before writing

void ext_flash_sendData(int16 data, int8 size);
void ext_flash_sendBytes(BYTE* data, int16 size);
void ext_flash_getBytes(BYTE* data, int16 size);
void ext_flash_waitUntilReady();

// Purpose: Initialize the pins that control the flash device.
// This must be called before any other flash function is used.
// Inputs: None
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: None
void init_ext_flash()

// Purpose: This function will start reading a continuous stream of
// data from the entire flash device.
// Inputs: 1) A page address
// 2) An index into the page
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData(), ext_flash_waitUntilReady()
void ext_flash_startContinuousRead(int16 pageAddress, int16 pageIndex)
output_low(FLASH_SELECT); // Enable select line
ext_flash_sendData(0xE8, 8); // Send opcode
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_sendData(pageAddress, 15); // Send page address
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_sendData(pageIndex, 9); // Send index and 32 bits
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_sendData(0, 32); // Send 32 don't care bits
delay_cycles( 1 );

// Purpose: Get a byte of data from the flash device. This function is
// meant to be used after ext_flash_startContinuousRead() has
// been called to initiate a continuous read.
// Inputs: None
// Outputs: 1) A byte of data
// Dependencies: None
BYTE ext_flash_getByte()
BYTE flashData;
int i;
for(i=0; i<8; ++i) // Get 8 bits of data
delay_cycles( 1 );
shift_left(&flashData, 1, input(FLASH_DO));
delay_cycles( 1 );
return flashData;

// Purpose: Get a byte of data from the flash device. This function is
// meant to be used after ext_flash_startContinuousRead() has
// been called to initiate a continuous read. This function is
// also used by ext_flash_readPage() and ext_flash_readBuffer().
// Inputs: 1) A pointer to an array to fill
// 2) The number of bytes of data to read
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: None
void ext_flash_getBytes(BYTE* data, int16 size)
int16 i;
signed int8 j;
for(i=0; i<size; ++i)
for(j=0; j<8; ++j)
delay_cycles( 1 );
shift_left(data+i, 1, input(FLASH_DO));
delay_cycles( 1 );

// Purpose: Stop continuously reading data from the flash device.
// Inputs: None
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: None
void ext_flash_stopContinuousRead()
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

// Purpose: Read data from a memory page.
// Inputs: 1) A page address
// 2) An index into the page to start reading at
// 3) A pointer to a data array to fill
// 4) The number of bytes of data to read
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData(), ext_flash_waitUntilReady(), ext_flash_getBytes()
void ext_flash_readPage(int16 pageAddress, int16 pageIndex, BYTE* data, int16 size)
// ext_flash_waitUntilReady(); // Wait until ready

output_low(FLASH_SELECT); // Enable select line
ext_flash_sendData(0xD2, 8); // Send opcode and 5 bits
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_sendData(pageAddress, 15); // Send page address
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_sendData(pageIndex, 9); // Send index
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_sendData(0, 32); // Send 32 don't care bits
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_getBytes(data, size); // Get data from the flash device
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

// Purpose: Read data from a buffer
// Inputs: 1) A buffer number (0 or 1)
// 2) An index into the buffer to start reading at
// 3) A pointer to a data array to be filled
// 4) The number of bytes of data to read
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData(), ext_flash_waitUntilReady(), ext_flash_getBytes()
void ext_flash_readBuffer(int1 bufferNumber, int16 bufferAddress, BYTE* data, int16 size)
BYTE opcode;

output_low(FLASH_SELECT); // Enable select line
opcode = 0xD6; // Opcode for second buffer
opcode = 0xD4; // Opcode for first buffer

ext_flash_sendData(opcode, 8); // Send opcode
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_sendData(0, 15); // Send 15 don't care bits
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_sendData(bufferAddress, 9); // Send buffer address
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_sendData(0, 8); // Send 8 don't care bits
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_getBytes(data, size); // Get data from the flash device
delay_cycles( 1 );
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

// Purpose: Return the status of the flash device
// Inputs: None ____
// Outputs: The status: Rdy/Busy Comp 0101XX
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData(), ext_flash_getByte()
BYTE ext_flash_readStatus()
BYTE status;
delay_ms(20);// Enable select line
ext_flash_sendData(0xD7, 8); // Send status command
status = ext_flash_getByte(); // Get the status
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

return status; // Return the status

// Purpose: Write data to a buffer
// Inputs: 1) A buffer number (0 or 1)
// 2) An index into the buffer
// 3) A pointer to the data to write
// 4) The number of bytes of data to write
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData(), ext_flash_waitUntilReady(), ext_flash_sendBytes()
void ext_flash_writeToBuffer(int1 bufferNumber, int16 bufferAddress, BYTE* data, int16 size)
BYTE opcode;

output_low(FLASH_SELECT); // Enable select line
opcode = 0x87; // Opcode for second buffer
opcode = 0x84; // Opcode for first buffer

ext_flash_sendData(opcode, 8); // Send opcode
ext_flash_sendData(0, 15); // Send 15 don't care bits
ext_flash_sendData(bufferAddress, 9); // Send buffer address
ext_flash_sendBytes(data, size); // Write data to the buffer
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

// Purpose: Write the data in a buffer to a page
// Inputs: 1) A page address
// 2) A buffer number (0 or 1)
// 3) The writing mode to use
// - Use ERASE to first erase a page then write
// - Use NO_ERASE to write to a previously erased page
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData(), ext_flash_waitUntilReady()
void ext_flash_BufferToPage(int1 bufferNumber, int16 pageAddress, int1 mode)
BYTE opcode;
//ext_flash_waitUntilReady(); // Wait until ready
output_low(FLASH_SELECT); // Enable select line
opcode = 0x86; // Opcode for second buffer
opcode = 0x83; // Opcode for first buffer
opcode = 0x89; // Opcode for second buffer
opcode = 0x88; // Opcode for first buffer
// printf("A1");
ext_flash_sendData(opcode, 8); // Send opcode
delay_cycles( 1 );
/// printf("A2");
ext_flash_sendData(pageAddress, 15); // Send page address
delay_cycles( 1 );
// printf("A3");
ext_flash_sendData(0, 9); // Send 9 don't care bits
delay_cycles( 1 );
// printf("A4");
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

// Purpose: Erase a page
// Inputs: A page address
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData(), ext_flash_waitUntilReady()
void ext_flash_erasePage(int16 pageAddress)
delay_ms(30);// Enable select line
ext_flash_sendData(0x81, 8); // Send opcode
ext_flash_sendData(pageAddress, 15); // Send page address
ext_flash_sendData(0, 9); // Send 9 don't care bits
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

// Purpose: Erase a block of 8 pages
// Inputs: A block address
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData(), ext_flash_waitUntilReady()
void ext_flash_eraseBlock(int8 blockAddress)
output_low(FLASH_SELECT); // Enable select line
ext_flash_sendData(0x50, 8); // Send opcode
ext_flash_sendData(blockAddress, 12); // Send block address
ext_flash_sendData(0, 12); // Send 12 don't care bits
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

// Purpose: Write data to a page through a buffer
// Inputs: 1) The address of the page to write to
// 2) The number of the buffer to use (0 or 1)
// 3) The index into the buffer to start writing at
// 4) A pointer to the data to write
// 5) The number of bytes of data to write
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData(), ext_flash_waitUntilReady(), ext_flash_sendBytes()
void ext_flash_writePageThroughBuffer(int16 pageAddress,
int1 bufferNumber, int16 bufferAddress,
BYTE* data, int16 size)
BYTE opcode;

output_low(FLASH_SELECT); // Enable select line
opcode = 0x85; // Opcode for second buffer
opcode = 0x82; // Opcode for first buffer

ext_flash_sendData(opcode, 8); // Send opcode
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_sendData(pageAddress, 15); // Send page address
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_sendData(bufferAddress, 9); // Send buffer address
delay_cycles( 1 );
ext_flash_sendBytes(data, size); // Write data to the buffer
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

// Purpose: Get the data from a page and put it in a buffer
// Inputs: 1) A page address
// 2) A buffer number (0 or 1)
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData(), ext_flash_waitUntilReady()
void ext_flash_PageToBuffer(int16 pageAddress, int1 bufferNumber)
BYTE opcode;
output_low(FLASH_SELECT); // Enable select line
opcode = 0x55; // Opcode for second buffer
opcode = 0x53; // Opcode for first buffer

ext_flash_sendData(opcode, 8); // Send opcode
ext_flash_sendData(pageAddress, 15); // Send page address
ext_flash_sendData(0, 9); // Send 9 don't care bits
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

// Purpose: Compare the data in a page to the data in a buffer
// Inputs: 1) A page address
// 2) A buffer number (0 or 1)
// Outputs: 1 if the data is the same, 0 if the data is not the same
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData(), ext_flash_waitUntilReady()
int1 ext_flash_comparePageToBuffer(int16 pageAddress, int1 bufferNumber)
int1 CompareFlag;
BYTE opcode;
output_low(FLASH_SELECT); // Enable select line

opcode = 0x61; // Opcode for second buffer
opcode = 0x60; // Opcode for first buffer

ext_flash_sendData(opcode, 8); // Send opcode
ext_flash_sendData(pageAddress, 15); // Send page address
ext_flash_sendData(0, 9); // Send 9 don't care bits
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

output_low(FLASH_SELECT); // Enable select line
ext_flash_sendData(0xD7, 8); // Send status command
while(!input(FLASH_DO)); // Wait until ready
output_high(FLASH_CLOCK); // Pulse the clock
CompareFlag = !input(FLASH_DO); // Get the compare flag
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

return CompareFlag;

// Purpose: Rewrite the data in a page.
// The flash device does this by transfering the data to a
// buffer, then writing the data back to the page.
// Inputs: 1) A page address
// 2) A buffer number (0 or 1)
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData(), ext_flash_waitUntilReady()
void ext_flash_rewritePage(int16 pageAddress, int bufferNumber)
BYTE opcode;
output_low(FLASH_SELECT); // Enable select line

if(bufferNumber == 1)
opcode = 0x58;
opcode = 0x59;

ext_flash_sendData(opcode, 8); // Send opcode
ext_flash_sendData(pageAddress, 15); // Send page address
ext_flash_sendData(0, 9); // Send 9 don't care bits
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line

// Purpose: Send some data to the flash device
// Inputs: 1) Up to 16 bits of data
// 2) The number of bits to send
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: None
void ext_flash_sendData(int16 data, int8 size)
int8 i;
data <<= (16-size);
for(i=0; i<size; ++i)
output_bit(FLASH_DI, shift_left(&data,2,0)); // Send a data bit
delay_cycles( 1 );
output_high(FLASH_CLOCK); // Pulse the clock
delay_cycles( 1 );
delay_cycles( 1 );

// Purpose: Send some bytes of data to the flash device
// Inputs: 1) A pointer to an array of data to send
// 2) The number of bytes to send
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: None
void ext_flash_sendBytes(BYTE* data, int16 size)
int16 i;
signed int8 j;
for(i=0; i<size; ++i)
for(j=7; j>=0; --j)
output_bit(FLASH_DI, bit_test(data[i], j)); // Send a data bit
delay_cycles( 1 );
output_high(FLASH_CLOCK); // Pulse the clock
delay_cycles( 1 );
delay_cycles( 1 );

// Purpose: Wait until the flash device is ready to accept commands
// Inputs: None
// Outputs: None
// Dependencies: ext_flash_sendData()
void ext_flash_waitUntilReady()
delay_ms(50);// Enable select line
ext_flash_sendData(0xD7, 8); // Send status command
while(!input(FLASH_DO)); // Wait until ready
output_high(FLASH_SELECT); // Disable select line
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