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Old 24-09-2007, 02:00 AM   #1
Đệ tử 7 túi
Tham gia ngày: Jul 2007
Nơi Cư Ngụ: Đà Nẵng
Bài gửi: 188
giao tiếp Key - LCD & Flash nội ?

#include <16F877A.h>
#include <DEFINE_16F877A.h>
#include <DEFINE_16F87x.h>
#use    delay(clock=4000000)

#use standard_io (B)
#use standard_io (A)

#define E            PIN_D0
#define RS          PIN_D1
#define RW          PIN_D2
#define LCD_D4      PIN_D4
#define LCD_D5      PIN_D5
#define LCD_D6      PIN_D6
#define LCD_D7      PIN_D7

#bit CANCEL    =0x05.1 // CANCEL = RA1
#bit OK        =0x05.0 // OK    = RA0

unsigned int8 key[] ; // mang luu cac so da nhap tu ban phim
const unsigned int8 num[11] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'} ;
unsigned int8 num_ss[] ; // mang so sanh
unsigned int8 a = 0 ; // bien dem cac so nhap tu ban phim
unsigned int8 b = 1 ; // bien dem so lan sai ma
unsigned int8 d     ; // bien ghi pass vao FLASH
unsigned int8 g = 1 ; // bien thong bao ghi pass vao FLASH trong lan dau tien
unsigned int8 h     ; // bien luu lai tong cac so da ghi vao FLASH

void LCD_Init ( void );                    // ham khoi tao LCD
void LCD_SetPosition ( unsigned int data );//Thiet lap vi tri con tro
void LCD_PutChar ( unsigned int data );    // Ham viet1kitu/1chuoi len LCD
void LCD_PutCmd ( unsigned int data ) ;    // Ham gui lenh len LCD
void tao_xung_E();                        // Xung kich hoat
void send_to_LCD( unsigned int data);      // Dat du lieu len chan Data

void delay_ms_INT(unsigned long i)
{ unsigned long k , j ;
  for(k=0;k<=i;k++) { for(j=0;j<=i;j++){;} }

void LCD_Init ( void )
    delay_ms(200); // thoi gian de LCD khoi dong

    output_low(RW);        // RW = 0
    output_low(RS);        // che do gui lenh

    send_to_LCD( 0x00 );
    output_high ( E ); output_low ( E ); delay_ms ( 10 );

    send_to_LCD( 0x03 );  /* init with specific nibbles to start 4-bit mode */
    output_high ( E ); output_low ( E ); delay_ms ( 3 ); // tao xung tren chan E
    output_high ( E ); output_low ( E ); delay_ms ( 3 );
    output_high ( E ); output_low ( E ); delay_ms ( 3 );

    send_to_LCD( 0x02 );  /* set 4-bit interface */
    output_high ( E ); output_low ( E ); delay_ms ( 3 ); // tao xung tren chan E

    LCD_PutCmd ( 0x2C );    /* function set (all lines, 5x7 characters) */
    LCD_PutCmd ( 0x0C);    /* display ON, cursor off, no blink */
    LCD_PutCmd ( 0x06 );    /* entry mode set, increment & scroll left */
    LCD_PutCmd ( 0x01 );    /* clear display */

void LCD_SetPosition ( unsigned int data )

    send_to_LCD( swap ( data ) | 0x08 );
    output_high ( E ); output_low ( E ); delay_ms ( 3 ); // tao xung tren chan E

    send_to_LCD( swap ( data ) );
    output_high ( E ); output_low ( E ); delay_ms ( 3 ); // tao xung tren chan E


void LCD_PutChar ( unsigned int data )
    output_high( RS ); //RS = 1
    output_low ( RW ); //RW = 0

    send_to_LCD( swap ( data ) );                        // gui 4 bit cao
    output_high ( E ); output_low ( E ); delay_ms ( 3 ); // tao xung tren chan E

    send_to_LCD( swap ( data ) );                        //gui 4 bit thap
    output_high ( E ); output_low ( E ); delay_ms ( 3 ); // tao xung tren chan E


void LCD_PutCmd ( unsigned int data )
    output_low(RS); // RS = 0
    output_low(RW); // RW = 0

    send_to_LCD( swap(data) );    // gui 4 bit cao
    output_high (E); output_low (E); delay_ms (3);

    send_to_LCD( swap(data) );    // gui 4 bit thap
    output_high (E); output_low (E); delay_ms ( 3 );

void send_to_LCD( unsigned int data )
    output_bit ( LCD_D4, data & 0x01 );
    output_bit ( LCD_D5, data & 0x02 );
    output_bit ( LCD_D6, data & 0x04 );
    output_bit ( LCD_D7, data & 0x08 );

void quetphim_hienthi()
{ PORTB = 0b111111110 ; if (RB4==0) { delay_ms_INT(50);            
                                      while(RB4==0) continue ;
                                      LCD_PutChar('0') ; key[a++] = num[0];
                                    } ;
                        if (RB5==0) { delay_ms_INT(50);            
                                      while(RB5==0) continue ;
                                      LCD_PutChar('3') ; key[a++] = num[3];
                                    } ;
                        if (RB6==0) { delay_ms_INT(50);            
                                      while(RB6==0) continue ;
                                      LCD_PutChar('6') ; key[a++] = num[6];
                                    } ;
                        if (RB7==0) { delay_ms_INT(50);            
                                      while(RB7==0) continue ;
                                      LCD_PutChar('9') ; key[a++] = num[9];
                                    } ;

  PORTB = 0b111111101 ; if (RB4==0) { delay_ms_INT(50);            
                                      while(RB4==0) continue ;
                                      LCD_PutChar('1') ; key[a++] = num[1];
                                    } ;
                        if (RB5==0) { delay_ms_INT(50);            
                                      while(RB5==0) continue ;
                                      LCD_PutChar('4') ; key[a++] = num[4];
                                    } ;
                        if (RB6==0) { delay_ms_INT(50);            
                                      while(RB6==0) continue ;
                                      LCD_PutChar('7') ; key[a++] = num[7];
                                    } ;
  PORTB = 0b111111011 ; if (RB4==0) { delay_ms_INT(50);            
                                      while(RB4==0) continue ;
                                      LCD_PutChar('2') ; key[a++] = num[2];
                                    } ;
                        if (RB5==0) { delay_ms_INT(50);            
                                      while(RB5==0) continue ;
                                      LCD_PutChar('5') ; key[a++] = num[5];
                                    } ;
                        if (RB6==0) { delay_ms_INT(50);            
                                      while(RB6==0) continue ;
                                      LCD_PutChar('8') ; key[a++] = num[8];
                                    } ;


void ngat_RB(void)
{ LCD_PutCmd(0x83); 
  while (OK && CANCEL) quetphim_hienthi(); 

  if(!CANCEL) goto THOAT ;

  if(!OK) {delay_ms_INT(50);            
           while(!OK) continue ;
           if(g == 1) { LCD_PutCmd(0x01);
                      LCD_PutChar('W') ;
                      LCD_PutChar('r') ;
                      LCD_PutChar('i') ;
                      LCD_PutChar('t') ;
                      LCD_PutChar('t') ;
                      LCD_PutChar('i') ;
                      LCD_PutChar('n') ;
                      LCD_PutChar('g') ;
                      LCD_PutChar(' ') ;
                      LCD_PutChar('F') ;
                      LCD_PutChar('L') ;
                      LCD_PutChar('A') ;
                      LCD_PutChar('S') ;
                      LCD_PutChar('H') ;
                      for (d=1;d<=a;d++)
                          { write_eeprom(d,key[d]); 
                            PORTC = 0x08 ;delay_ms(250);PORTC = 0x00 ; 
                      g ++ ;
                      h = a ; goto THOAT ; // luu lai tong cac so da nhan & THOAT
           if (a == h )
                     {  LCD_PutCmd(0x01);
                        LCD_PutChar('R') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('e') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('a') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('d') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('i') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('n') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('g') ;
                        LCD_PutChar(' ') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('F') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('L') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('A') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('S') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('H') ;
                        for (d=1;d<=a;d++)
                            { num_ss[d]= read_eeprom(d);delay_ms(250);
                              if(key[d]!=num_ss[d]) goto HERE ;};
                        LCD_PutChar('D') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('U') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('N') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('G') ;
                        LCD_PutChar(' ') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('M') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('A') ;
                        PORTC = 0x08 ; 
                        delay_ms(2000) ;
                        PORTC = 0x00 ;
                        b = 1 ;
                        goto THOAT ;
               HERE : 
                        LCD_PutChar('W') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('R') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('O') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('N') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('G') ;
                        LCD_PutChar('!') ;
                        delay_ms(1000) ;
                      } ;
              if (a!=h ){ LCD_PutCmd(0x01);
                          LCD_PutChar('S') ;
                          LCD_PutChar('A') ;
                          LCD_PutChar('I') ;
                          LCD_PutChar(' ') ;
                          LCD_PutChar('M') ;
                          LCD_PutChar('A') ;
                           delay_ms(1000) ;
                         } ;

              } ;
  b ++ ; 
           a = 0 ;
           LCD_PutChar('R') ;
           LCD_PutChar('e') ;
           LCD_PutChar('a') ;
           LCD_PutChar('d') ;
           LCD_PutChar('y') ;
           LCD_PutChar('!') ;
           if((b%4)==0) { PORTC = 0x04 ; delay_ms(1); PORTC = 0x00 ; b = 1 ; } ;

void main()
{ set_tris_A(0xFF); PORTA = 0xFF ;
  set_tris_C(0x00); PORTC = 0;



  LCD_PutChar('R') ;
  LCD_PutChar('e') ;
  LCD_PutChar('a') ;
  LCD_PutChar('d') ;
  LCD_PutChar('y') ;
  LCD_PutChar('!') ;

  while(1){PORTB = 0xF0 ;} ;
Cuối cùng cũng làm xong đồ án môn học Lập trình hệ thống ! up lên cho mấy bác pro..bình loạn jup ...xem có thể tối ưu cho gọn & cho hay thêm đc ko ? Chương trình chạy tốt & chuẩn !

thay đổi nội dung bởi: Mr.Bi, 15-12-2007 lúc 10:53 PM.
Mr.Bi vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn   Trả Lời Với Trích Dẫn

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