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Old 31-01-2007, 07:56 PM   #1
Đệ tử 2 túi
Tham gia ngày: Dec 2006
Nơi Cư Ngụ: La Jolla, San Diego. Heaven on earth
Bài gửi: 26
san pham TTL/CMOS/RS232/GPS adapter board cua VNBTECH

chao cac ban,
Neu cac ban muon thu nghiem voi GPS receiver gon nhe., co' do chinh sa't cao. Ban co the ket noi voi GPS qua RS232 , hay la direct TX/RX or level TTL(5v) or CMOS(3.3v).

san pham TTL/CMOS/RS232/GPS adapter board co hai phan:
1) adapter board:
- cung cap dien nguon cho cac chuan TTL(5volt) va CMOS(3.3V). Dung de ket noi input/output giua cac chuan TTL<->CMOS<->RS232<->PC.
- dung de interface giua GPS receiver, voi cac chuan TTL, CMOS, RS232.

2) GPS receiver + attena + translation cable. The GPS module features two GPS signal sensitivity modes: Standard and Enhanced. With Enhanced mode enabled, the module automatically switches to higher sensitivity when satellite signals are weak. On average, the sensitivity is about -154 dBm
• 12-channel simultaneous operation
• Ultra-low power consumption: less than 90 mW (27 mA) @ 3.3 V
• Dual sensitivity modes with automatic switching
• Aided GPS through TSIP
• Antenna open and short circuit detection and protection
• Compact size: 26 mm W x 26 mm L x 6 mm H
• Supports NMEA 0183, TSIP, TAIP, RTCM SC-104 protocols

General L1 (1575.42 MHz) frequency, C/A code, 12-channel,
continuous tracking receiver
Update Rate TSIP @ 1 Hz; NMEA @ 1 HZ; TAIP @ 1 Hz
Accuracy Horizontal: <5 meters (50%), <8 meters (90%)
Altitude: <10 meters (50%), <16 meters (90%)
Velocity: 0.06 m/sec
PPS (static): ±50 nanoseconds
Acquisition (Autonomous Operation in Standard Sensitivity Mode)
Reacquisition: <2 sec. (90%)
Hot Start: <10 sec (50%), <13 sec (90%)
Warm Start: <38 sec (50%), <42 sec (90%)
Cold Start: <50 sec (50%), <86 sec (90%)
Cold start requires no initialization. Warm start implies last
position, time and almanac are saved by backup power. Hot
start implies ephemeris also saved.
Operational (COCOM) Limits
Velocity: 515 m/s
Connectors I/O: 8-pin (2x4) 2 mm male header,
micro terminal strip
ASP 69533-01
RF: Low-profile coaxial connector
H.FL-R-SMT (10), 50 Ohm
Serial Port 2 serial ports (transmit/receive)
PPS 3.3 V CMOS-compatible TTL-level pulse,
once per second
Protocols TSIP, TAIP, NMEA 0183 v3.0, RTCM SC-104
Messages selectable by TSIP command
Selection stored in flash memory
Prime Power +3.0 VDC to 3.6 VDC (3.3 V typ.)
Power Consumption Less than 90 mW (27 mA) @ 3.3 V
Backup Power +2.5 VDC to +3.6 VDC (3.0V typ.)
Ripple Noise Max 60 mV, peak to peak from 1 Hz to 1 MHz
Antenna Fault Protection Open and short circuit detection and protection
Operating Temperature –40° C to +85° C
Storage Temperature –55° C to +105° C
Vibration 0.008 g2/Hz 5 Hz to 20 Hz
0.05 g2/Hz 20 Hz to 100 Hz
–3 dB/octave 100 Hz to 900 Hz
Operating Humidity 5% to 95% R.H. non-condensing, at +60° C
File Kèm Theo
File Type: pdf GPSAdapterManual.pdf (252.5 KB, 422 lần tải)
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