Ðề tài: MTouch PCB
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Old 25-07-2009, 12:02 PM   #3
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Tham gia ngày: Feb 2006
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Ủng hộ kimhuynguyen mình POST code viết bằng CCS C cho mạch của bạn

    R&P Forwarding - Trading Co., Ltd.
    58/48 Nguyen Minh Hoang, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, HCMC, Viet Nam.
#fuses    HS, NOWDT, MCLR
#use delay(clock=20Mhz)
#use fast_io(A)
#use fast_io(B)
#use fast_io(C)
#use fast_io(D)
#use fast_io(E)

#byte    ANSELA = 0x185
#byte    ANSELB = 0x186
#byte    ANSELD = 0x188
#byte    ANSELE = 0x189

#byte    PORTA = 0x5
#byte    PORTB = 0x6
#byte     PORTC = 0x7
#byte    PORTD = 0x8
#byte    PORTE = 0x9

#byte    TRISA = 0x85
#byte     TRISB = 0x86
#byte    TRISC = 0x87
#byte     TRISD = 0x88
#byte    TRISE = 0x89

#byte    T2CON =  0x012                    // T2ON, prescale = 1:16
#byte    T1CON  = 0x010            // Timer1 enable, source= capacity sensing, 1:1 prescale, don't sync with sys clock
#byte    T1GCON = 0x08F            // T1GSS = Timer 2, toggle mode
#byte    PR2 =     0x092
#byte    OSCTUNE    = 0x091
#byte    OSCCON    = 0x090

#byte     CPSCON0 = 0x108                // control settings
#byte    CPSCON1 = 0x109                        // init to channel select = 0 (4 LSb's)

#bit     TMR1GIF   = 0x0C.7                        // clear gate intpt flag
#bit     TMR1GIE   = 0x8C.7                    // enable gate intpt
#bit    PEIE      = 0x8B.6                        // enable peripheral intpts
#bit    TMR2IF       = 0x0C.1
#bit    TMR2IE         = 0x8C.1
#bit    GIE         = 0x8B.7
#bit     TMR1ON        = 0x10.0

#bit    LED1_MUX    = PORTA.0
#bit    LED2_MUX    = PORTA.1
#bit    LED3_MUX    = PORTA.2
#bit    LED4_MUX    = PORTA.3
#bit    LED5_MUX    = PORTB.6
#bit    LED6_MUX    = PORTB.7
#bit    LED7_MUX    = PORTC.0
#bit    LED8_MUX    = PORTE.2

#bit    TRIS_LED1    = TRISA.0
#bit    TRIS_LED2    = TRISA.1
#bit    TRIS_LED3    = TRISA.2
#bit    TRIS_LED4    = TRISA.3
#bit    TRIS_LED5    = TRISB.6
#bit    TRIS_LED6    = TRISB.7
#bit    TRIS_LED7    = TRISC.0
#bit    TRIS_LED8    = TRISE.2

#define BOUNCE_TIME 2
unsigned char index;
unsigned long     reading[16];        // current reading for each button
unsigned long     average[16];        // running average for each button
unsigned long     threshold;                // threshold value is req'd # counts decrease from avg
unsigned long    bigval;                        // current button bigval   - for averaging technique
unsigned long    smallavg;                    // current button smallavg - for averaging technique

typedef struct{
    struct {
        unsigned char bounce;
    struct {
        unsigned char isPress:1;
        unsigned char flagPress:1;
        unsigned char isRelease:1;    
        unsigned char unused:5;

BUTTON    BTN[16];

void init();
void main() {
    unsigned char i;

    while(1) {    
        for(i=0; i<16; i++) {
            //button i is Pressed
            if(BTN[i].FLAG.isPress) {

                //Your code here when BTN[i] Pressed
                //Must Clear when BTN Press Processed
                BTN[i].FLAG.isPress = 0;
            //button i is Released
            }else if(BTN[i].FLAG.isRelease) {

                //Your code here when BTN[i] Release
                //Must Clear when BTN Release Processed
                BTN[i].FLAG.isRelease = 0;
        //end for    

void init() {    
    char i;
    for (index=0; index<16; index++){
        average[index] = 0;
        reading[index] = 0;
    ANSELA = 0b00110000;
    TRISA  = 0b11111111;
    ANSELB = 0b00111111;
    TRISB  = 0b11111111;
    ANSELD = 0b11111111;
    TRISD  = 0b11111111;
    TRISC  = 0b11111111;
    ANSELE = 0b00000000;
    TRISE  = 0b00000000;
    T2CON  = 0b011110111;                    // T2ON, prescale = 1:16
    T1CON  = 0b11000101;                // Timer1 enable, source= capacity sensing, 1:1 prescale, don't sync with sys clock
    T1GCON = 0b11100010;                // T1GSS = Timer 2, toggle mode
    PR2 = 0xB4;
    CPSCON0 = 0b10001100;                // control settings
    CPSCON1 = 0x01;                        // init to channel select = 0 (4 LSb's)
    index = 0;
    TMR1GIF   = 0;                        // clear gate intpt flag
    TMR1GIE   = 1;                        // enable gate intpt
    PEIE      = 1;                        // enable peripheral intpts
    TMR2IF = 0;
    TMR2IE = 1;
    GIE = 1;

    for(i=0; i<16; i++) BTN[i] = 0;

void global_isr() {
    if (TMR1GIF && TMR1GIE) {
        TMR1GIF = 0;                    // clear intpt flag
        TMR1ON = 0;                        // Timer1 off
        bigval = get_timer1();
        bigval = bigval * 4;
        reading[index] = bigval;
        smallavg = average[index] / 4;
        threshold = average[index]>>1;                                    // ratiometric threshold from avail above (& combinations)

        if (bigval < average[index] - threshold) 
            if(BTN[index].BYTES.bounce < BOUNCE_TIME) BTN[index].BYTES.bounce++;
            if(!BTN[index].FLAG.flagPress && BTN[index].BYTES.bounce == BOUNCE_TIME) {
                BTN[index].FLAG.isPress = 1;    
                BTN[index].FLAG.flagPress = 1;
            if(BTN[index].BYTES.bounce > 0) BTN[index].BYTES.bounce--;
            if(BTN[index].FLAG.flagPress && BTN[index].BYTES.bounce == 0) {
                BTN[index].FLAG.flagPress = 0;
                BTN[index].FLAG.isRelease = 1;    
            // Perform average after detection comparison
            average[index] += bigval/4 - smallavg;
        TMR1ON  = 1;                // Set up for next channel
        index ++;
         index &= 0x0F;;
        CPSCON1 = index;
    }else if(TMR2IF) {
        TMR2IF = 0;
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thay đổi nội dung bởi: phamminhtuan, 27-07-2009 lúc 11:50 AM. Lý do: Bổ sung thông tin
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